
Etiquette is the understanding of social customs in one or more cultures and the ability to behave as becomes one of their members. Characters begin with this knowledge as applies to the land and class into which they were born. Mastery of Etiquette encompasses speech, movement, dress, furnishings and the like.

• Novice: You avoid most social gaffes and seem reasonably well behaved in the culture you know best.
•• Practiced: You can condust yourself without embarrassment in your cultures version of high society.
••• Competent: You understand the principles of social organization well enough to respond calmly to unexpected and unfamiliar circumstances.
•••• Expert: Lords and bishops admire your conduct.
••••• Master: You set the standards to which others try to hew.

  • Possessed by: Children, Courtiers, Envoys, Guild Masters, Handmaidens, Heralds, Nobles.
  • Specialties: Courtly Manners, Family Traditions, Foreign Customs, Peasents, Professional Conduct, Street Culture.