
Attacks with weapons (melee or ranged) are opposed rolls. Remember that NPCs can always Take Half instead of making an opposed roll, to speed up the conflict.
In a melee conflict, both attacker and defender can score hits, depending on who rolls the most successes (unless Dodge is used, see below.)

When firearms are involved, the defender can only avoid getting hit.
Melee Attack (attacking with a hand-held weapon that is not a firearm other ranged weapon)
Physical + Melee vs. Physical + (Melee, Brawl or Dodge)
If Dodge is used, no hit is scored by the defender no matter how many successes the defender wins by.

Unarmed Attack

(attacking with fists, feet or teeth)
Physical + Brawl vs. Physical + (Melee, Brawl or Dodge)
If Dodge is used, no hit is scored by the defender no matter how many successes the defender wins by.

Ranged Attack

Mental + Firearms vs. Mental + Dodge
If no cover is available, usage of Dodge will cause loss of next action as the character goes prone.
Multiple Attackers: When engaged by multiple opponents, the defender must subtract one dice for every opponent from his resisting dice pool. As actions are not declared simultaneously, this penalty is added in sequence with the first defense receiving no modifier, the second -2, the third -3 etc.


If you win the opposed attack roll, you inflict damage on your opponent depending on how many successes you beat their roll by. Damage is the number of successes scored above the results of the opposed attack roll, plus the Damage Value of the weapon (if any). See below for how to handle Damage and Health.



Åter igen så är jag inte så förtjust i automatisk skada, då jag tycker det gör vapen lite för bra. Så istället lägger vi till ett antal tärningar på slaget för attack, så vapen gör en större chans att orsaka skada, men inte automatiskt.